Legal Access Challenge

The elevator pitch vs the four minute pitch

By Martin Langan:

You’ve heard of the elevator pitch, explaining your business, product or service in the minute or so it takes your lift to take you up a few floors, well how about the four minute pitch?

Does that sound easier than the elevator pitch? Well, having tried it last Friday evening I’m not so sure. All presenters at Legal Access Challenge at Hogan Lovells in London that evening did very well to stick to this brief.

It’s not easy because an audience expects a bit more than a general understanding when you have maybe four times as long as an elevator pitch and it then feels like you have nothing like enough time to do it justice.

I practised mine on the train with my phone’s stop watch, which made some fellow passengers look uncomfortable. Who can blame them when sat near someone moving their lips very rapidly on the subject of online legal services.

It seemed to pay off and all speakers were very well received by a knowledgeable audience and grilled gently by an expert panel.

I was struck by how much in common many of the speakers had, both in terms of complementary services and products and the struggle to finance and energise ground breaking ideas. I salute you all.

If you’d like to discuss further, then feel free to comment on my LinkedIn Post