April 2018


How can I help you today? Using AI to develop intelligent chatbots…

Chatbots are one AI tool that many of us will already be familiar with. We’ve met them online when browsing a website and up they pop asking if they can help. And how frustrating is it when you ask them a question but then find they’re actually live people, and are currently “unavailable”?
During Martin Langan’s recent presentation at Legalex (22nd March 2018) entitled “Online Legal Services and Artificial Intelligence “, he demonstrated a sample of a tool developed for a […]

How can I help you today? Using AI to develop intelligent chatbots… Read More »

Enforcing a house style on Word files – a battle of wills…

Does your law firm struggle to lock down house styles in your Word documents, do stubborn files refuse to bend to your will?
It’s a time-draining problem for lawyers and support staff alike.
We’d like to introduce you to a new product available from Legal Workflow, a customised Word ribbon that locks down house styles and makes it easy to apply styles instantly to all of your Word files.
There’s also a ‘Super Paste’ facility for use when copying content from one Word […]

Enforcing a house style on Word files – a battle of wills… Read More »

Digital Services

Feeling threatened by digital services and AI?

Change is happening all around us and technology helps speed up the process. To stand still is to go backwards and in business nobody can afford to let that happen. Legal firms are no different, they too must move with the times to become more efficient, to meet the needs of their clients and to be profitable.
Don’t feel threatened by digital services, embrace the technology and make it work for you. Meet the new breed of legal IT consultancy from […]

Feeling threatened by digital services and AI? Read More »