February 2018

How Legal and Financial services technology can help save your sanity

Professionals are increasingly facing up to doing business digitally, given the government’s digital by default policy, lawyers making increasing use of practice management systems and financial advisers coming to terms with ‘FinTech’. It would be unfortunate though if each part of the chain works in its own silo, creating data that sits only in their database and for no one else working on connected matters.
It doesn’t have to be this way, as software applications can be integrated so that effectively […]

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Legal advice for motorists via a “virtual solicitor”

We have here an example of a true online legal service. Interactive services provided online. Created for motorists who’ve been stopped or flashed for speeding, or charged on the spot for an offence requiring attendance at court in a few days.
It’s designed to provide advice quickly and specifically for their situation. It takes into account such things as points already on their licence. It spells out the likely outcome and advises motorists whether there are grounds for mitigation or dismissal.
It […]

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The shape of law firms in the digital age

Law firms are faced with some tough challenges in the Digital Age. The government’s “digital by default” policy, together with the expectations of clients, is making digitisation a necessity rather than an indulgence. Today’s question is no longer “if” or “when” to digitise but “what” and “how” to digitise.
Do law firms need to fear this change? Most firms are part-way there already, making increasing use of practice management and case management solutions. But so often, the ROI (Return on Investment) […]

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